dimanche 23 septembre 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 6

Good Magical day.

Today the science proof and explain that, for exemple, all proteins of our body are made from the same molecules .
In living beings, 20 amino acids are constitutive of the proteins. They can be combined in such a way as to for proteins, wich can consist of hundred of amino acids, but wich will necessarily be part of the list of this 20.
And that what differency one type of proteins from the others is how many of each of this 20 kind of molecules  and how they are organized, means wich shape they take all together.

In the lastest time, quantum physic arrives at the conclusion that an atom is not solid, a material object, but a pulse of energy and informations.
The difference betwenn an atom of lead and an atom of gold, is not on the material plane.
What is differencying the gold from the lead, is the disposition and the number of this pulse of energy and information (on the same system of , in the matter, the proteins differenciations).
All the structure of the material creation is belong of the information and the energy.
And this pulses of energy and information are the  thinking non-substance that make up all what we call matter.

And what is a tought?
Also a pulse of energy and information.
We think our toughts are only in our head because they have a linguistic structure. But this pulse of energy coming from our head, are the raw material of the universe.
The only difference of the toughts wich are in our head, and this one are outside of our head, is this perception that I make to structure this one of my head in a linguistic plane.
But before a tought is manifested verbally and received as language, it's only an intention..
It's a pulse of energy and information.
Before the language, all the life is exprimed on the same way.
We are all thinking beings in a thinking universe.

I really got inspired by, of course, all my past psychedelic adventures, and today, by Deepak Chopra, to get this realization.

When you understand in your total being this, each day is a new Magical day!
Om Namo Narayan.

May the Magic be with you!

Karine / Twisted Kala

Contact: kalatwisted@gmail.com

If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal: kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

jeudi 7 juin 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 5

Good Magical day!

My last house view in Goa 2017
So let's resume what we already said in the earlier chapters:
Our point is, as said in the chapter 1, to raise our level or vibration / energy to feel happier and have a better life, with good food, natural activities and meditation / exercices of consciousness / yoga....
In the chapter 2 the remind was to be aware of ourself and taking actions in new habits.
So the first advice of new daily action was to remember in the bed before sleeping a good moment we had, to fall asleep with sweet toughts.
In the chapter 3 the remind was that mind is a tool that need to receive a direction and not let be free.
So the second daily habit advice was to write down every night 10 things to be thankfull, and to read them the morning to start the day with a happy mood.
In the chapter 4 the remind was that hapiness come within ourself.
And the 3rd  habits advice was to walk atleast twice a week in the nature and take the time to feel here and now.

In this chapter 5 I will propose to you to, each day, best in the morning, to open your arms to the sky and say thank you for all the magical things will come to you in this day.
Take also a moment, a couple of minutes, 3 times a day, to have 10 deep breaths. Take this moment with yourself, to be center again, to let the access at your higher self to guide you on your magical path.
You can put an alarm on your phone, for 3 different times int he days, and do it at that moment.

Sydney Australia 2018

It is really about to make the comitment to do daily new actions to change our life in a more positif and successful way.

May the Magic be with you!

Om Namo Narayan!

Karine / Twisted Kala

Contact: kalatwisted@gmail.com

If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal:kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

dimanche 27 mai 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 4

       Good Magical day!

Today let's remember that happiness doesn't come from any outside matter, but from inside our being.
By doing a daily "happiness pack habits", we feed ours mind and spirit to incite them to take this new use, way of feeling.

cherries tree flowers from my garden

So today my advice is to have a walk in the nature, atleast 2 times a week, more if you can, best in the morning or at sunset time.

Beach in front of my house in Portugal!

While you walk in the nature, you can focus on feeling here and now, with the "let go" of the toughts, let them go....You can put them in a bubble wich will go in the sky......
You can feel youself as a complete part of the universe, one importante part in the midle of other important parts.
This excercise will expand your consciousness.

If you really want to make a difference in your life, please follow all the steps from all the chapters of "Feeling happier by living healthier.

May the Magic be with you!

Om Namo Narayan!

Karine / Twisted Kala

Contact: kalatwisted@gmail.com

If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal:kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

mardi 22 mai 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 3

Good Magical day!

So let's keep going to feel happier by daily life habits wich can drive our mind in a good level.
Let's not forget that the mind is a tools for us to organize ours lifes, and that if we don't feed it, like we feed our body, then we don't control what is going inside.....Then we can not be surprised by some weird moods.

Atman festival / Shri Lanka

So before you go to sleep, you can take a pen and a paper and write down 10 things that you can be thankfull.
This will help you also for what we spoke in the chapter 2 (to remember before sleeping in the bed nice parts of our life).
And when you wake up the morning, before your breakfast then you can read again the 10 happy times or things we have that we did write down the night before.
This will help you a lot to start the day with a happy mood, so to attract to you more happy times.

view from my room of Siolim / Goa / India

May the Magic be with you!

Om Namo Narayan!

Karine / Twisted Kala

Contact: kalatwisted@gmail.com

If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal:kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

dimanche 20 mai 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 2

Good Magical day!

As we saw in the chapter 1 (please read the chapter 1 in first), by be aware of ourself and taking some actions, we can raise our level of vibration / energy.
This will bring to us better view of the world, better ideas and motivation to take actions.
It will also increase our health so with it the feeling of being well.

To wake up with a good mood is already a really good point to sart the day!

And to wake up with a good mood I'm gonna give to you a good tools!
If yours last toughts when you go to sleep are happy toughts,
then  this flavor of being happy will stay in your mind 
and you'll have better dreams and better wake up mood!

So when you're lying down in your bed and are ready to sleep,
you can remember something you done recently and enjoyed a lot.
You can remember the nice feeling you had in yours mind and body,
and feel again the same wonderful sensation, and fall asleep with it.

So this is my advice of the day in this chapter 2 of feeling happier with a healthier life.
                                       I will now post regulary in this blog tools for happier life.

                                         MAY THE MAGIC BE WITH YOU ALWAYS!

If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal:kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

samedi 19 mai 2018

Feeling happier by living healthier! Chapter 1

Twisted Kala in Goa!
Twisted Kala in Goa!

Good Magical day.

When I did growth society said to me that life is difficult and that we must do an activity that we don't really like , but that would give us the possibilities to survive in this hard world.
For us to believe that, we have in the moovies, TV and more a lot of horribles things, for us be sure the world is hard.
On the other side, in many different places in the world, there is many peoples have completly different believings and way of living and who can see every day what is beautiful, and who have a much happier life.
By having a healthy and good (organic) food, by doing natural activities and meditation or yoga, we can raise our level of energy and feel more happy and motivated, pushing us to see the beauty of the life and taking actions (bringing us to success) in fields we believe.

May the Magic be with you!
Karine aka Twisted Kala aka KalaJi


If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my paypal:kalatwisted@gmail.com  to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music 

Chickpeas sproots beet salad