Good Magical day!
Today let's remember that happiness doesn't come from any outside matter, but from inside our being.
By doing a daily "happiness pack habits", we feed ours mind and spirit to incite them to take this new use, way of feeling.
cherries tree flowers from my garden |
So today my advice is to have a walk in the nature, atleast 2 times a week, more if you can, best in the morning or at sunset time.
Beach in front of my house in Portugal! |
While you walk in the nature, you can focus on feeling here and now, with the "let go" of the toughts, let them go....You can put them in a bubble wich will go in the sky......
You can feel youself as a complete part of the universe, one importante part in the midle of other important parts.
This excercise will expand your consciousness.
If you really want to make a difference in your life, please follow all the steps from all the chapters of "Feeling happier by living healthier.
May the Magic be with you!
Om Namo Narayan!
If you did read till here, may be you want to donate 1 euro to my to help me keep spreading the Magic by writing more infos and music